
Paeonia - mascula ssp russoi


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two years or more out of flask

Described by Hong D Y as the only species present on Sicily . This is not correct. In fact there are 2 species growing on Sicily, as there are P mascula ssp flavescens and P morisii, first tertraploid and second diploid. P morisii is rare on the island where as P mascula ssp flavescens is more common. We agree that P mascula ssp russoi is the same as P morisii, and does not at all  belong to P mascula family. We agree with FC Stern that both species are hardly recognisable from herbarium specimens, which caused the mix up. In living plants difference is very obvious.

Available sizes:

in vitro ( flask ) seedling seedling one or two years out of flask two years or more out of flask half mature mature